Our scientists work collaboratively with academic research institutions and the industry to deliver multi-scale projects ranging from continental scale to reservoir level.
Gulf of St. Lawrence
The focus of this work is to unravel the structure beneath and around the gulf. The results showed detailed 3D geometry of the sedimentary basin as well as previously poorly imaged fault structures in the area. This work has implications in many areas including energy resource potential, carbon sequestration, and seismic hazard.
Western Canada Basins
This is a comprehensive analysis of the sedimentary basins and the tectonic structure of Western Canada. The results show the geometry and structure of most basins in Western Canada. This work has a regional implication for seismic hazard, energy resource exploration, carbon capture and storage, and mineral prospecting. Imaging and Assessment of the
Montney Play
The work focussed on the assessment of parts of the play for carbon capture and storage projects.
Volcanic Studies
Aquistore Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring